Nothing good to say? Say nothing! – Wealth – Success Tips #15

Nothing good to say? Say nothing!

I always thought this meant if you had nothing good to say, you should just shut up and not talk. And maybe that what it means for some people.

But I choose it to mean that you should always find something positive to say even if you have something bad to say. So, if you want to tell your employee about something they are doing wrong, find something good to say first and tell them that first. You can do that with your kids, your spouse, your friends and even strangers.

For example:

instead of saying:

Bob! You need to let the phone ring twice before answering! Now, because of you, we don’t know their number since caller ID didn’t pick it up!


Hey bob, I really appreciate how quickly you handled that customer call, it’s really great. Next time though could you wait the two rings, it will allow caller ID to get registered.

The sandwich

Another even better suggesting is sometimes called the sandwich – say something good, then bad and finish with good.

I highly recommend using the sandwich witch would look like this instead:

nothing good to say, say nothing
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Hey Bob, I really appreciate how quickly you handled that customer call, it’s really great. Next time though could you wait the two rings, it will allow caller ID to get registered, I know you’re still learning and I do appreciate how you smile on the calls too.

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2 Replies to “Nothing good to say? Say nothing! – Wealth – Success Tips #15”

  1. Thanks for sharing this… I had never thought of that saying in this way! Being positive always brings forth the best result,

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