Be interested, not interesting – Wealth – Success Tips #16

Be interested

If you want people to like you, it’s a must to be interested in them and not try to be interesting to them. Be the one asking all the questions. Minimize answers. If they ask you something, say you ask “where are you from?” and they say “I’m from Alaska, how about you?”, of course, answer them, but don’t go into a whole conversation about where you’re from, instead say something like “Oh cool, I’m from Toronto. Alaska is on my bucket list – why did you leave such a beautiful place?” and keep it going like that.

Not interesting

People don’t care what you know until they know that you care about them. If you go on and on about yourself, even if it’s after you’ve asked them a question and they answered you, they will not really like you. It may seem that way in the beginning, but it won’t take long for them to feel like you don’t care about them since you are just talking about all your interesting traits.

I used to be like that (might still be a little) but today I really enjoy just asking people about their day. I love seeing them smile when I compliment them on their appearance or a job well done. It is rare that, when I go to the store, I don’t have a chit-chat with the teller.

What do I do?

I’ll say things like: “you’re fast”, “you look sharp” or “are you always this cheerful?” and it lights up their day. That give me pleasure, makes me happy that I impacted someone’s day just by noticing them.

be interested not interesting
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When you are out and about, be interested in people. You will find it an amazing feeling to just be making people’s day by asking them about themselves. Ask things as simple as “are you from around here?” or “where are you going all cheerful like that?”. You will feel better about yourself and great things will happen.

Post comments below and let me know how you are able to be interested and how you feel about it.

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