Introduction to Online Branding Are you looking for online branding information? Are you interested in attraction marketing? Are you looking to monetize your passion? I was too. I got overwhelmed just like you are now but did eventually find someone who I related to just like…
Teach to Exercise How do you teach to exercise? It’s quite easy as you might know, just do it and let them see you do it. Kids naturally want to do what we do. It would be nice to think that we could teach to…
Get Points Why do we want to get points from our spouse? It’s one of those human nature things and isn’t a bad thing, it’s just about feeling that the other person values what we do and, most importantly, values what we do for them. Of…
Be Proactive To be proactive means to think ahead and do things that will make future tasks easier. This is one of the seven skills of highly effective people and it’s all about planning and scheduling too.It’s very important in business. It’s where you think…
Groom For Success What does it mean to groom for success? Like every parent, I would love my kids to be seen as well behaving kids and that is certainly a worthy goal to have. You may not realize until it’s too late that you…
Do The Presentation Most of you probably do not like to do the presentation and even if I thought I’d be good and presented to 100 people with zero interest, I stopped liking to do the presentation too! For great tips, look up Eric Worre,…
Commit To It If you want success, you have to commit to it! You must choose to go for it and never look back. Of course you have to find something that makes sense and not do something that doesn’t but you can’t be wishy-washy…
Synergize What does it mean to Synergize you may ask. It’s a pretty different word and we typically don’t learn about it in school. It’s about connecting things together to accomplish better results faster. It’s also about working together as a team and learning from…
Give Admiration You may wonder why it is a success tip to give admiration so let me qualify that a little more by saying not everyone craves admiration but according to relationship expert John Gray, that is a state most men really feel good about…
Encourage Questions Kids have the most awesome questions and we should always encourage questions. How? By answering them of course and telling them how awesome their question is and how smart they are to have thought of it because they are smart. I remember when…