Dealing with competitive people This is the last of the series of 4 blog posts on personality GEMs I recorded these 4 videos on one of my many drives from PEI to Montreal, a 12 hour drive, one way! When dealing with competitive people, just remember…
Tag: first steps to success
Dealing with Selfless people Do you wonder how you should be dealing with selfless people. I mean those people that never seem to care about anything you can do to help them… they just care about helping others so nothing you tell them seems to…
Dealing with excited people Do you wonder how you should be dealing with excited people? Those are people who seem to just want to have fun, they never stop twitching… they don’t seem to care about rules or schedules… Sapphires are exciting to be around…
Dealing with strict people If you want to know about dealing with strict people, listen in. When I say strict, I just mean people who like things done according to the rules – people who like to be on time – people who are perfectionists and…
Learn Personality GEMS I was privileged to meet Dani Johnson in person at First Steps To Success in Los Angeles last year to learn personality GEMS. Her course GEMS is so easy to understand. You’ll learn that there are 4 basic personality types, the Sapphires who…