How to Figure Out Your Why If you’ve been involved in any business, especially MLM or direct selling, you probably have heard more times than you can count “figure out your why” or “you can’t succeed without a strong why” or “you need a why that…
Do you dream big? Every time I pass by this Porsche dealership in Montreal, it reminds me how I’ve been told I dream big and that owning a Porsche isn’t such a great thing. I know it costs a lot to replace the tires or…
Praise Your Children We should even over do it sometimes. Have you ever noticed how your children react when you tell them how good they are at something? When they are younger, they beam of excitement when we praise them and tell them how happy…
Real Estate Investing with Steve Martel A friend was asking me about investment tips. Although I’m not an expert and do not even invest in real estate, I did dabble in it for a while about 5 years ago. My wife and I went to…
Get Immediate Yes Formula now! I don’t know about you, but I was looking online for solutions to my problem of feeling like I was never going to find the people that want to succeed in life. I had talked to everyone I know, and…
Always Stay Connected When you start a University program, do you think it makes sense to stay connected and go to class? When you join a hockey team, do you think it makes sense to stay connected and go to practices as well as games?…
We should Be the Example everywhere In all areas of our life, we really should want to be the example to others, be the leader, the one who others look up to and the one who others want to follow. Are you being the example?…
We Never Stop Learning We already know that the human brain will never stop learning as long as we are alive. We learn about our surroundings and our minds are constantly picking up what is going on around us – good or bad. This is why…
Be Grateful Sometimes, it’s not easy to be grateful, it’s easier to complain and see the bad in our life, in others and our-self. I was downtown in Crescent st in Montreal and it was cold, I had walked 6 blocks to get to the…
Get on Their Level We should always treat others how we want to be treated, right? So, get on their level, kids don’t like to be talked down to anymore than we do. It’s not always easy to remember and to think about that, especially…